No.NFR/HQ/CT/05/2023 Date
: 22-09-2023
Starting Date for Submission of Application
: 23-09-2023 (08:00 hrs)
Closing Date for Submission of Application : 08-10-2023 (23:59 hrs)
Date & Time of Interview
11-10-2023, 10:00 hrs
Reporting Time by Candidates
09:00 hrs
Venue for Reporting of Candidates for Document Verification &
Office of the General Manger(P), Headquarter Office,
N. F. Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati-11
(Click the link Apply Online to upload the scanned copy of the signed Application
alongwith with requisite certificates in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORMAT available in the website address given
On date of the Walk-in-Interview, please bring the Application, photocopy of Certificates alongwith original Certificates mentioned in the check list for verification.)